How to build a simple back quiver

Bracers, Quivers, etc.
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How to build a simple back quiver

Beitrag von Aagaard » 12.05.2004, 21:09


Dunno if this URL is posted here anywhere before, but here is it again :D !

Back Quiver Plan <<< just click here

I guess this is pretty much the easiest way of building a nice and practical leather back quiver in no time.

This quiver is so simple to build that even a rookie in leather work can solve this challange.

And there is also no need for special tools!

Just a hole punch, a very sharp knife (guess a strong scissors will also work), a needle nose or long nose pliers, a ruler and/or a tape measure and a pen.

So the only expensive thing in this project will be the leather itself.

I hope this plan will help those of you who have no good idea for "how should I get started"!?

For further informations on leather work and leather equipment for archers you shouldn´t miss shewolf´s threads and construction manuals, just an example...
...she is just awesome! :anbet :anbet :anbet

At last a little german lesson with the most important words for this forum (just in case you wanna use the search function to surf through german threads):

Bow = Bogen
Arrow = Pfeil
Arrow Shaft = Pfeilschaft
Arrow Head = Pfeilspitze
Feather = Feder
String = Sehne
Quiver = Köcher
Leather = Leder
Sheath; Scabbard = Scheide or Schwertscheide
Sword = Schwert
Knife = Messer
Fletching Jig = Befiederungsgerät
Construction Manual / Construction Plan = Bauanleitung / Bauplan

That´s all folks for now and C-YA

"Man sollte nicht unbedingt immer nur den Weg zum Ziel als Ziel sehen."

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 23.09.2020, 14:07

Re: How to build a simple back quiver

Beitrag von SabePfeilspitze » 01.10.2020, 19:40

Hallo und danke dir für die praktische Anleitung :D

Beiträge: 22358
Registriert: 06.08.2003, 23:46

Re: How to build a simple back quiver

Beitrag von Ravenheart » 02.10.2020, 09:22

Da würde er sich - 16 Jahre nach dem Schreiben - aber freuen - wenn er hier noch aktiv wäre... 8)



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