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Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 18:52
von Ishi
After some hard months (year) and lack of time for bowmaking I hope I am finally back forever into.
List of bows I owe to the friends I will continue with this warbow for my cousin. He asked me long time ago to make one for him and I finally made one. It is elm, litle less than 78" ntn. Horn nocks (thanks to my friend Heiner), respecting 8/5 rule, oval belly. I began it with 4" of reflex and now it holds 2 1/2" after shooting in, not heat treated. It was interesting to brace it in the begining. Very interesting. >:( I usually do not make so straight and knotless staves so this is rare sight. Lower limb has ugly reflex kink in one spot so at full draw seems little stiff but it is not. Upper limb had reflex spread along entire limb, easy to work. Lower was really troublemaker.
I was today out of batteries for the full draw photo so I placed one form previous photo session.
Hope this one to serve well.

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 19:09
von skinwalker
Hello Ishi,
Elm is just an ingenious wood! A great Bow you've got conjured again!
Do you have a picture of the Stave?
No snow on the mountain ?

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 19:11
von Gornarak
I don't like the remains of bark on the back so much but that's just a personal preference and the dark heartwood on the belly looks absolutely wonderful.
The Tips on the details look darker than on the full-draw picture but are a bit blurry. What did you do to them?

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 19:41
von Ishi
Thank you skinwalker, I am doing my best. This is unfortunately the only pic of the stave (sapling) that I have. Maybe it would be good idea to make pics of the staves before making bow, interesting...
On the pole pic you can see snow in the background, it felt yesterday. Full draw pic was made few days ago, when was nice weather. Winter is coming.
Thank you Gornarak. It was personal taste of owner to left it. But heartwood is delicious, I agree.
On the full draw nocks are temporary, wooden overlays. After that I replaced them with horn nocks that are visible on other pics. Blury is because of the lense I think, very close up.

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 19:52
von skinwalker
Hello Ishi,
I've been thinking that it was Sapling. The proportion of heartwood has hinted it.
I also got 15 such Saplings by a forester ...
In six months we'll see ... :)



Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 20:30
von LJB
Another masterpiece Ishi!
Although not as gnarly as usual its a pleasure to look at this bow.
The anual rings are pretty narrow are they?

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 20:47
von Laurinus
Hej Ishi!

great bow again!

I am wondering about the handshock. Even though this drawweight is not my level,so i can't compare.
Once i made a bow made of dogwood, smaller, lighter but in a similar shape (45pound/28'') which almoust makes my teeth fall out!your elm probably would break my bones...

Greets ,Laurinus

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 22:46
von Ravenheart
Ishi, you are the best "living wood-artist" I know! Great!


Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 23:07
von alfred33
Jetzt wars au lang kalt im sebischa Holzland.....
Do hoscht an ganz schee schnella Stegga rausbastlad..Ishi..gfellt mer..(GREAT)
OND scho wieder fer an Couseng.( a Cousine hett an au ett ziaga kenna!)
You have aber a big Famili! ;D ;D ;D
dr alfredle ( inglish verry schlecht) :D

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 23:11
von Ravenheart

well... I was prepared to translate - but THIS even I won't understand...

(But I think, he likes the bow ..) :D


Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 23:17
von alfred33
SCHWÄBISCH -Mauntain Slang..please :D

The Bow is perfekt sooo wie the most of Ishis-bows.Gibbet not tu Mekkern haha.
The next Bow i will see the Bow for the Sister from Ishis Cousins. Whit 30 lbs @ 25"

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 04.12.2012, 23:52
von Frankster

actually I wasn't especting too much when I first read Ishi builds a bow without knots. But you managed again to make it special!
my respect!

Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 05.12.2012, 08:49
von Haitha
Hey M8, great , natural looking bow, always nice to see your work.

Here's an attempt to translate the post of our Swabian friend ;)

Fuckin' hell!
It has been quite cold in the Serbian upland recently.....
You've tinkered a very nice fast stick, you did Ishi... I like it ...(GREAT)
AND another one for a cousin (♂). (a cousin (♀) couldn't pull that!)
You have quite a big family ;D ;D ;D
the alfredle ( english very bäääd) :D

Schwaben sind die Form! ;D mich letztes mal schon gefreut, als du nachm Karneval gepostet hast ! Super :)



Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 05.12.2012, 09:45
von Ravenheart
alfred33 hat geschrieben:SCHWÄBISCH -Mauntain Slang..please :D

...anywhere in Bavaria (as I said)... ;D ;)


Re: Elm warbow 102# 32"

Verfasst: 05.12.2012, 10:21
von corto
Korrektur haithaubu:
wieder für einen cousin, eine cousine hätte ihn eh nicht ziehen können sollte es heißen..